In Lieu of Flowers

Many friends have inquired about sending flowers or assisting in other ways.  The Duddleson & Linden families have chosen to establish a College Fund for Gemma, Judy and Per's daughter.  In lieu of sending flowers to the memorial service, it is possible to make a contribution:  

American Funds Service Company
P.O. Box 2713
Norfolk, Virginia 23501-2713

Checks should be made payable to "College America - Acct#82525029" and the memo field include "FBO Gemma Linden".  Unfortunately this company is not able to forward cards or notes of condolence.  

In addition, contributions may be made to the Belle Meade School at 353 F.T. Valley Road, Sperryville, VA  22740.  More information about the school available at

If you would like to direct your thoughts to Judy's family, they may be reached at:  

Per and Gemma Linden
2865 Whippoorwill Road
Madison, Virginia  22727

Linden Family
c/o Laila Linden
4822 Chevy Chase Drive, #103
Chevy Chase, Maryland  20815

Duddleson Family
c/o MaryAnn Moen
14 Cherokee Drive
LaVale, Maryland  21502